Monday, January 11, 2010

The way out from the world

In the last two issues of Chintan, we dealt with the subject of Maya - what it is; why was it created and what is its potential; how is it misleading us and guiding us to wrong avenues? Does it mean that we cannot do anything to fight this enemy within us and do we have to suffer its pangs helplessly?

Before we answer these questions, we have to deal with a few basic issues Why and how was this world created? How is it that we find ourselves here, surrounded and hypnotized by Maya? We all know that we were living happily in our eternal abode, with the lord Supreme. There was bliss all around. There was no defiviency of any kind. Why then did we leave our abode and come to this miserable world? The Lord wanted us to experience what it would be like when we are not in that environment - to show us the opposite side of the picture - where instead of bliss, you have misery, ignorance in place of knowledge and rampant falsehood against truth. you enjoy something more either when you have ceased to possess it or what you have obtained, turns out to be much below your expectations. Then and only then do you realize the value of the original object. This is exactly the idea the Lord Supreme had in His mind. He wants us to act in a particular manner, yet he does not want to convey the impression that He is behind this idea. On the contrary, He created an urge in our mind to see this world. He simultaneously warned us suitably and adequately but we insisted that we must experience this world for ourselves.

When we came here to this world, we soon realized what a terrible mistake we had made. How do we go back to the Lord and tell Him that we had madea mistake in our choice! Our ego came in the path of admission of the truth. That is the stage when the Lord felt that we had posibly learnt our lessons. The Lord asked us to refect deeply on our antecedents and our actions. Do we not very often, tell anyone, who is behaving arratically, to look at his family background and see whether his actions were in line with his lineage? The idea is to create a feeling of remorse in the mind of an individual. The Lord followed the same technique, to creat a proper impact on our mind. He further asked us to apply the following tests to our life.

The Lord wants us to examine our lives with a critical eye and see whether what we say, act and behave are in accordance with our true nature or are they moving in different directions. It is only when all of these move on the same wave length that we find that the mesages of the Lord Supreme reach us and awaken us to our true state of SAT, CHIT and ANAND. In fact, the whole religious philosophy moves around this concept. We evolved into human life after going through various stages. We have to so regulate our lives that we can ultimately go back to the Lord and tell Him that we have not forgotten Him, amidst all the temptations of the world. 'Admit us back to our Paramdham and bestow on us your grace, your love and your affection.' This has to be our prayer to Him. There is no reason why He will disappoint us.

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