Some people try to project themselves as religious people; not that they are. They only pretend to be so to impress others. In reality, they are in no way close to being a religious person.
Their mind is not pure but they try to show to others that they are a realized soul. They may try their utmost but they can never be successful in their game plan. And mind it, you can never deceive your Creator. he observes each and every action of ours. You cannot reach Him by just showing that you are religious.
Lord can never be cheated. How so ever hard we may try, we can never be successful in our nefarious attempt. We can never get rid of evil tendencies by just projecting ourselves as a saintly person.
You may keep long hair - just as Sanyasis do or have your head and beard shaved or you may pull out your hair by hand - just as Jain sadhus do. What matters is not just what you do to your body. That is only for outward show to others. Nothing happens till you have purified your mind. Your word, thoughts and deed have all to be pure and noble. Only this matters.
Another set of people think that their purpose is well served if they build a Temple or a Church or a Morque or give charity to others. Not that, one should not contribute to these Institutions. What is implied is that that is not enough. One should not rest at that alone. Constant efforts must e made to raise oneself higher by continuing on the path of nobility by self support. You will notice that I have used the word 'Deserve' and not 'Need'. A large number of people need support but what we have to determine is whether their need is genuine or not. A man needs a few dollars to satisfy his need for a drink. That is not what one needs to support. There may be a child - a brilliant one who need money for continuing his studies. Here is a cause worthy of our support. One can easily distinguish between a right and a wrong cause and it becomes our moral duty to support a worthy cause. There may be a natural calamity like an earthquake or an epidemic and then it becomes our moral and social obligation to come to the rescue of such suffering community. But one need not make a big show to impress others of what we have done. Try even not to have a feeling that I have done something great. The feeling one should have is a feeling of a gratitude to the Lord that he has given us the opportunity and the means to serve other fellow beings in distress.
A lot of people know how to earn money but how many know how to make a proper use of it? We should seek guidance and inspiration in this direction from noble souls.
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