Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method of relieving pain and treating a varity of diseases by inserting needles into various parts ofthe body. According to Chinese philosophy, disease and pain ocucur because of an imbalance between two principal forces of nature called yin and yang. The Chinese believe acupuncture influences a life force that flows along 12 paired and 2 unpaired meridians, channels of energy that run longitudinally in the body. Specialists called acupuncturists insert sharp needles at one point or any of hundreds of specific points along the meridians. Insertion of the needles produce a sharp pinching feeling. This feeling quickly disappears and is replaced by occasional tingling or a sense of numbness, heaviness, or soreness while the needles are in place.
Acupuncture is used to relieve pain and treat various conditions, including arthritis, asthma, migraine, ulcers, eye diseases, and some mental illnesses. Since the late 1950's Chinese doctors habe used this procedure to relieve pain during major surgery. The patient is conscious and apparently feels little or no pain.
Scientists have proposed three major theories for how acupuncture works. One theory suggest that the meridians actually exist and connect the body's organs is a special manner. According to this theroy, acupuncture increases activity along the meridians and thus influences organ function. Scientists also believe that acupuncture works, at least in part, by increasing the brain's production of natural painkillers called endorphins. These substances are morphinelike chemicals that influence the body's awareness of pain. Finally, scientists theorize that acupuncture may work through the nervous system, by triggering signals that interrupt pain messages sent to the brain.
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Thursday, January 28, 2010
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