Friday, March 11, 2011

True love is Devotion to One Supreme

The purpose of soul's descent in this world is to acquaint her with the subtle joy of separation from her Lord. Having seen enough of the worldly sufferings, she takes recourse to the path of devotion to unite with her Lord. If a person is turning round in a circle, the first time he goes slow, the second time he goes faster, the third and fourth time he goes fasters, but the fifth or sixth time he will fall down. The first time he experiences the joy of turning, the second and third and fourth times he experiences more of it, till at last he is drunk with it and experiences it to the full and falls down. This is what the soul has been doing ever since the creation. Whatever she does she wishes to do more and more. A patriot wants to become greater patriot and a singer longs to sing more songs until she loses her voice. In every activity there is intoxication, having experienced which the soul wants to turn back from it, and then finally commences her homeward journey.

The female-mind makes the difference when one takes the return journey back home and moves on the path towards God. Every male has to become like a female, because he has to learn to wait and to trust; he has also to learn receptivity and acceptance; he has to learn non-aggression and passivity; he has to learn compassion, love and service-all the qualities of the female mind. The particular qualities associated with devotion such as meekness, compassion, obedience and readiness to serve are to be found prominently in woman. When a woman is most truly herself, she longs to give everything, claims nothing, surrenders herself, and renounces self-will. This is the true attitude of devotion (Bhakti) in the philosophy of Mahamati Prannath.

Mahamati, therefore, speaks of a bridal type of love for God. Because so long as our need of love would keep on looking for an ideal spouse in the world, our devotion to God shall fall short of the required intensity and single-pointedness. Jesus also says, 'The love of the bride and the bride-groom is the symbol of love between God and His chosen perple'. The devotees like Meera, Chaitanya, Kabir, Catherine, Teresa and others have always considered the soul to be the bride longing for union with her Supreme Lover. Mahamati emphasises that the heart of a devotee must necessarily be moulded into a heart of woman waiting with infinite patience to meet her separated husband.

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