Monday, February 1, 2010

quotes about happiness

Though it may come in different forms for different people, most human beings are in pursuit of the same thing: happiness. The fact is that you have everything you need for happy living right now! Seeing it may simply be a matter of tweaking your own thinking so that you can appreciate what you've already got. Look for these signs and say hello to happiness!

You live with integrity
Living a life that's in line with your own values and belief is important for happiness. "That means that the things you say you believe in are the things you do," says David Leonhart, the author of Climb Your Stairway to Heaven: the Nine Habits of Maximum Happiness. For example, if family is important, do you make time for them? Figure out what's important.
You live in the moment
Concentrate your energies on enjoying the present, rather than worring about the past or the future. "All we have is right now," says Michelle Keeley, an executive leadership coach with Fruition Strategies, "and life is just made up of a series of moments." Enjoy them.

You express gratitude
Being grateful for the things you have will lead to feelings of satisfaction and happiness. "When you're performing an act of kindness or giving someone a compliment, you can actually feel an energy shift in your body," says Todd Keeley. Seek that feeling out more often.

Your work satisfies you
"The more meaningfully we're engaged and the more we believe that what we're doing is meaningful, the happier we are,"says David Mendsink, a psychologist at Dahousie University. And it doesn't necessarily have to be linked to a career. "or example," says Mensink, you can be meaningfully engaged in caring for children,"

You enjoy harmony
Whether it's at work or at play, being at peace with yourself and the world around is a sure-fire way to find happiness. Practice respect and patience as you go about your day, whether you're interacting with family, co-workers or with your partner.
You don't self criticise
If you've got a little voice in your head telling you you're never good enough then odds are good you won't find happiness either. "Choose to let go of negative feelings and thoughts," says Todd Keeley.

You aren't afraid of change
Recognise that change is constant and you'll be more ready to embrace happiness. "Then choose to respond to life, rather than react to it," says Michelle Keekey. You'll feel more in control and will be better able to adapt.

You enjoy simple things
Taking pleasure in small things will help you build a big picture of happiness. Take time to enjoy a well-cooked meal, a beautiful painting or a spring bulb poking upp through the earth.
You give back

"Giving back to others and sharing is the ulimate way to imspire happiness in your life," says Michelle Keeley. "Because what you give out will come back to you ten-fold." Wheter you volunteer in your community or share your smiles-it all counts.

You don't take life too seriously
Having a sense of humour can help you keep things in perspective. Make sure your life is filled with plenty of laughter!

attitude quotes

Can you change attitudes of other people?
Again, I would refer to the saying, "you can't change other people, you can only change yourself". You will end up becoming very frustrated if you try and change other people. Remember, you can only change yourself and how you deal with that individual. The story velow is a story of attitude. The individual in this story could have easily developed a "poor me" attitude, but instead he chose to focus on what he can do, his attitude reflects what a positive outlook on life can be like. "Now I look beyond what I can't do and focus on what I can."
Too often in life, we focus on the things we cannot do.