Monday, March 7, 2011

Avatarhood and Divine Guidance

Krishna says that he, from time to time, werars the matter-apparel and appears as a great Master to reming the ignorant of the great Truth in every age (Yuge-Yuge) i.e. in every country and every community. This seems to be the inner doctrine of the Christian incarnation, too. In its Trimity the Father is above in heaven : the son or Akshara Brahman's Para-shakti becomes Jiva; the Holy Spirit, Cosmic consciousness is that which makes them one and that through wich they communicate. For we hear of the Holy spirit descending upon Jesus and it is the same descent which brigns down the Brahmic consciousness into the various one lakh and twenty four thousand prophetss and divine souls, as desvribed by the Muslim Hadis.

The term 'Mohammed' has been used in Prannath's writings in two context : the one, when he refers to the prophet of Arab and second, when he speaks of the Holy Spiri, Cosmic Hohammed who desvends or brings down the cosmic consciousness into the various incarnations and prophets. Mohammed, Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah and Adam are the special ones who bring down the divine messages in writing, just as the divine souls like Vyas, Shukadev and others have done for the Hindus. Krishna lays no exclusive stress on His one form only, for many Avataras have descended on earth, 'Yuge-Yuge'.

'Thou art the oft-returning most Merciful. To envery race great Teachers have been sent. God hath not left any community without a prophet, warner and true guide. He sendeth Prophets to the ignorant and those misguided into evil ways.' (Quran, 2.128; 35.25; 16.37)

'In every land of even barbarians, are there Saoshyanatas who have attained the great peace of the Universal Self. This Sovereign of the World, the Self of all, hath sent down righteous Prophets unto us to show us the right path.' (Zoroastrian Gatha, 46.3; 48.12; 51.5)

There is a similar statement of Buddha in the Seven Baskets: 'After the death of each Buddha, his religion flourishes for a time, then decays, and is at last completely forgotten until a new Buddha appears, who again preaches the lost truth of Dharma.'

So does the Bible remark, 'God hath not left Himself without witness in any land.'

'Teachers are sent', says the Quran, 'to each race that they may teach it in its own tongue so there may be no doubt as to the meaning in its mind. An Arabic Quran is thus revealed that Mecca and the cities around may learn with ease the Truth put in the words they know. For had we made them in a foreign tongue they surely would have made objection thus - 'why have not those revealings been made clear?' (Quran 14:4)

If the Supreme Reality is manifested in infinite existences throughout time, then its special manifestation at one given moment and thought the asumption of one single human form is but the free fulfillment of that some movement. If man can be made in the image of Godd, God can also express His Absolute mode of being in and through man. An Avatar and a prophet are therefore a descent of God's power into man which manifests from time to time to give himself to making in blissfull ecstasy of love and then feel His own entire sweetness in them.

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