According to Mahamati the description of the Govardan-lila of Krishna has its counterpart in the Quran when it descrives prophet Hud's taking all his folks on the Kohtoor mountain for protecting them against the fury of nature. The Puran-Sanhita and the maheshwar Tantra of the Hindus state that in the beginning the soul desired to see the tragic drama of the world and hence the world was created by God for imparting them the experiences of pain and suffering. Both the Quran and the Bible have another symbolic language to describe the cause of creation. They say Eve ate the forbidden fruit, i.e. the fruit of knowledge and suffering, and they were expelled from heaven to this earth. In this symbol the Christians see the original sin, whereas the Muslims perceive the fulfilment of God's wish for the creation. Thus all these are symbolic descruiptions of the similar experiences to highlight the esoteric point that the world has been created to show the souls the diversities of fleeting joys and infinite sorrows and those souls who, having realised this truth, aspire for divine bliss are chosen by God for giving them the experiences of His delightful existence.
The expulsion of Satan from grace is an allegorical way to explain the exoteric facts in esoteric form. The initial loss of divine estate is dramatized as Luciferian rebellion or as an unsuccessful experiment in Eden. The Hindu scriptures, however, speak of the Absolute Brahman who is his blissful aspect of sporting assumed many forms of souls i.e. infinite centers of consciousness. One of such centres f consciousness is Akshara Brahman. He manifest Himself as the relative consciousness of longing seeking His fulfillment in His union with the eternal bliss of the Absolute Brahman. Hence Akshara's existence is the separation in the Absolute Brahman. Hence Akshara's existence is the separation in the Absolute love causing the emergence of plurality, ignorance and consciousness of pain. The result is the birth of this universe.
Thus we see how the different scriptures explain the riddle of creation in seemingly diverse ways but all conveying the same idea. Mahamati, following the tradition of the Puranas, gives full reign to human fancy and describes at length as to how Akshara Brahman in an urge to have this creation of multiplicity began to project a cosmic dream. In dream for a long time there was no light, there was no living organism, there were no Lokas and worlds of stars, there was neither light nor darkness. From this state of utter vaccum there emerged a cosmic egg, ehich ultimately vibrated into animation under the pressure of cosmic volition. Out of the cosmic egg there arose the Primordial Being, Narayan, with the heplp of Mahavishnu. Narayan became manifest as the cosmic consciousness of Ishwar and created the universe with all its fourteen planes of existence and their lords such as Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and many others.
The world in which we live has its own mind and this mind is Brahma. The conscious totality of all cause and effect in the cosmos is Hiranayagarbh. The term Brahma comes from Brahman implying that Brahman is the source of not only Brahma of our Universe but also of Brahmas of all the infinite universes that emanate like sparks from the fire of Akshara's consciousness. The word Brahman means growth, and is suggestive of life, creativity and expanding joy that swell from moment to moment. Brahman is therefore, that from which everything is born, that in which when born they live, and that into which they enter at their death.
Absolute Par-Brahman is the Reality that shines bliss. If a logical explanation is permitted, then we may say that bliss, in the present intellectual understanding, is only the highest conceivable aspect of the Absolute Reality by the thought of man. More than this, we simply cannot know. The Vedas call the Bliss-body (Anandmaya Kosh), the last sheath that envelopes our soul.
Maya is one form of energy-potential of the Absolute and its function is to conceal the heaving bosom of the Absolute Bliss with waves of consciousness of pain. All evolutes, subtle and gross, are the transmutations of Maya. The cosmic egg which is the abode of Narayan, is also the creation of Maya. Absolute Brahman enters her fold along with His various centers of consciousness known as divine souls and enjoys blissful sports of mundane existence in human forms. The narration of R~s~lila and krishna~lila of the Bhagavat are the simplified expressions in the human language of far more formidable mystery, says Mahamati.
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Monday, March 7, 2011
Riddle of Creation
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