The Akshar Brahman's universal Consciousness assume many forms of deities like Maha-Vishnu, Narayan, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma, and numerous gods and godesses who supervise the various functions of cosmic creation. Since all the smaller gods are expressions of one Reality of Akshara Brahman, people normally think by worshipping any form of deity, they indeed worship the Absolute Reality. But, it is not so. The Gita plainly states that worship of deities other than the supreme Purush eternal Krishna is 'Abidhi-Purcakam', i.e not accordance to the rules, (8:23) Moreover, upto Brahma-loka all the planes of the gods are pershable, therefore the worshippers of the gods attain to their perishable planes and return to creation if not in this Cycle, then in another Cycle of creation. Only when one worships Purushottam one reaches the eternal abode of Krishna from where return is not possible. (8:16) For the abode of the Absolute is the ultimate destination.
There are also several other Vedic verses forbidding the persons desirous of liberation from the worship of demi-gods. In Yajurved (Brihad-aranyak 1.4.10), we are informed that every god is eager to receive worship from men. But god-worshipper is like a sacrificial animal for the gods. As many animals would be of service to a man, even so each single person is of service to the gods. If even one animal is taken away, it is not pleasant, what then if many? Therefore, it is not pleasing to gods that men should know Brahman.
This may perhaps be one of the reasons wy Mahamati Prannath has been able to synthesize the teachings of the Gita and the Vedas with those of the Quran and the Bible, since both the Islam and the Christianity were, like the Gita and the Vedant Upanisads, conceived in revolt against the polytheism.
It seems the primitive tendencies of fetishism are so deep-rooted in human mind that sooner or later it inclines towards idolatory. All the prophets in the Arabian world had to face this problem and had to come from time to time to improve the intelligence of man. The protests of Buddha and Mahavir against the polytheism were soon forgotten and their own followers began to worship their statues in course of time much as the Chrishtians have begun to worship the idols of cross and Christ and Mary, and the Muslims the stone of their holy places and the tomb of Sufi Saints.
It is for this reason, say, Krishna, that wears the matter apparel from time to time and appears as great Masters to remind the ignorant of the great Truth in every age. When we hear of the Holy spirit descending upon Jesus, it is the same descent which brings down the cosmic Krishna or the cosmic Muhammad into the various one lakh and twenty four thousand prophets, as is mentioned in the Noor-Nama.
'Noor-Nama mentions one lakh and twenty four thousand prophets who are the splendour of cosmic Muhammad and that cosmic Muhammad is the cosmic Krishna, the Shyam (Of Paramdham)'.
Being transcendent the Supreme Godhead Himself cannot associate with this phenomenal universe except through His created spirit, the cosmic Muhammad. He can also be callled the cosmic Christ, the cosmic Buddha or the cosmic Krishna. It is the task of Cosmic Spirit to make creation and guide mankind in every possible way.
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